ICRP2021+1 | Vancouver, Canada | 6-10 November 2022

ICRP 2021+1: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection

Review and Refinement of the Fundamentals of Radiological Protection

A European Reflection on the Revision of the System of Radiological Protection

N. Cromnier

Communication of Radiation Protection Issues

J.C. Lentijo and J. Zarzuela

Example of the misleading results caused by LQ model in calculating the Fractionation Effect in Radiation Therapy

M. Bando, Y. Onoue, Y. Tsunoyama, K. Suzuki, Y. Takanishi, J. Sato, T. Wada and H. Toki

The Review of the ICRP System of Radiological Protection – practical feedback from members of the Australasian Radiation Protection Society

D. Watson and B. Le Vert

Emerging Domains of Radiological Protection

Protection of the environment from exposure to ionising radiation: why and how evolution is timely for the ICRP system

J. Garnier-Laplace, N.E. Martinez, D. Copplestone, T. Schneider, A. Mayall and C-M. Larsson

Protecting animals within a revised radiological protection framework

R.J. Pentreath

Involving Young Professionals

How to start a network? Experience in networking and achievements of the IRPA Young Generation Network

S. Andresz, C.M. Betos W.H. Ha, T. Hamida, B.S. Hussain, F. Kabrt, O. Nusrat, A. Michaelidesova, T.V. Lima, N. Movsisyan, F. Otoo, C. Papp, J. Piechotka, R. Qiu, M.S. Muñoz, A. Sakoda, T. Kono V.P. Singh, I. Tsorxe and H. Yoshida

Experiences of one mentee – the ICRP Mentorship Program and beyond

J. Leblanc, K. Randhawa, S. Ghazi and S. Bouffler

Ethical Considerations in the Implementation of the System of Radiological Protection

Ethical aspects in the use of radiation in medicine: public consultation of the report from ICRP Task Group 109

F. Bochud, M.C. Cantone, K. Applegate, M. Coffey, J. Damilakis, M.R. Perez, F. Fahey, C. Kurihara-Saio, B. Le Guen, J. Malone, L. Reid and F. Zölzer

Ethics of (radiological) protection of the environment

F. Zölzer

Cousins Award for Young Scientists and Professionals Finalists

*Paper by the awardee of the Cousins Award is available in the full Proceedings

A comparative time-series analysis and deep learning projection of innate radon gas risk in Canadian and Swedish residential buildings

S.M. Khan, D.D. Pearson, T. Rönnqvist, M.E. Nielsen, J.M. Taron and A.A. Goodarzi

Innovations in Dosimetry

ICRU Report 95: new operational quantities for external radiation exposure

T. Otto

Case study on occupational exposures to radiation with possible co-exposure to heavy metals

R.C. Wilkins, L.A. Beaton-Green, T. Barr, Ir M.B. Gagnon, N. Fréchette and Y. Dutil

Lifetime of dicentric chromosomes for biodosimetry applications

Y. Dutil, N. Fréchette and Ir M.B Gagnon

Modeling of heavy charged particle tracks overlap by pair of Al2O3:C,Mg dosimeters

S. Elshiekh and M.A.A. Kehail

External exposure of the public to radionuclides deposited in the terrestrial environments after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: the UNSCEAR Model 2020

A. Ulanowski, M. Balonov, L. Chipiga and S. Kinase

Equivalent dose reading for unregistered TLD card with calibration curve

W. Yessi, B. Satoto and D. Darmini

Radiological Protection and the Public

Nuclear industry experiences in radiation exposures

P.A. Bryant, M. Lips, R. Coates, J. Hondros, J. Takala, J. Zic, K. Maruyama and S. Gorlin

Radiological protection and the public - NORM and communicating the risks

J. Hondros and R. Gellermann

Developing the system of radiological protection to enhance its contribution to sustainable development

A. Mayall

Reframing the inadvertent human intrusion scenario to improve public understanding of repository safety

C. Medri and E. Kremer

Communication with patients on radiological procedures

J.C. Paeng and K.W. Kang

A comprehensive biokinetic model for the dose to embryo and fetus due to radon intakes by the mother – Part I: the state of the art

Ä.L. Degenhardt, A. Giussani and B.G. Madas

The novel terminology ‘discernible’ undiscerned conclusions: a critical review of UNSCEAR 2020/21 Fukushima Report

Y. Hamaoka

Broadening Optimisation of Protection

Beyond radiation anxiety and country borders: applying health literacy in the field after the Fukushima nuclear disaster

A. Goto, A. Lloyd Williams, S. Okabe, M. Murakami, M. Machida, C. Koriyama and K.E. Nollet

Don’t throw out too many babies with the bathwater, and remember old ideas!

J. Valentin

NTW role in nuclear safety and transparency

N. Zeleznik

SMARP: A 3D ALARA planning tool based on the virtual reality technology

Y. Zhao, L. Liu, C. Wang, H. Li, P. Song, J. He, X. Chen, J. Cheng, Y. Wang, Q. Cao and R. Liu

Enhance justification of medical exposures: a case study of completeness and vetting of CT requisitions for children and young adults in sub-Saharan Africa

H.N. Kisembo, R. Malumba, D. Babirye, D.H. Salama and M.G. Kawooya

Optimisation of Protection in Emergency Response and Recovery

Radiological training for the defence sciences: a unique playing field

H. Moise, T. Munsie and A.R. Green

Preliminary analysis of certified disaster-related death in the affected area of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident following the Great East Japan Earthquake: an observational study

Y. Uchi, T. Sawano, M. Kawashima, M. Sakakibara, M. Sudo, K. Yagiuchi, M. Otsuki, A. Hori, A. Ozaki, C. Yamamoto, T. Zhao, T. Oikawa, S. Niwa and M. Tsubokura

Effect and the System of Radiological Protection: Part 1

Significance of stem cell competition in the dose-rate effects

M. Tomita, Y. Fujimichi, K. Otsuka, M. Sasaki and T. Iwasaki

The radiation epidemiology of cancer – where do we stand now?

R. Wakeford

International horizon-style exercise (HSE): advancing the use of adverse outcome pathway (AOP) in radiation protection

J. Burtt, J. Leblanc, D. Beaton, KE. Tollefsen, J. Garnier-Laplace, D. Laurier and V. Chauhan

Effect and the System of Radiological Protection: Part 2

An introduction to ecosystem services for radiological protection

N.E. Martinez, A. Canoba, S.E. Donaher, J. Garnier-Laplace, S. Kinase, A. Mayall, K. Stark and J. Whicker

Canadian Organization on Health Effects from Radiation Exposure (COHERE) strengthening co-operation within the Canadian Government on radiation research

K. Randhawa, R. Wilkins, J.J. Burtt, R.S.D. Lane, A. Ivanova, J. Leblanc, B. Sadi, L. Beaton, D. Quayle and V. Chauhan

Advances in Medical Radiological Protection

Exposure of volunteers in medical research – justified and optimised?

A. Almén and A. Franka

Development of guidance on radiological protection aspects of imaging in radiotherapy

C.J. Martin

Voxel-based analyses for paediatric outcomes research

L.J. Wilson, A. Bryce-Atkinson, M. van Herk, A.M. Faught and M.C. Aznar

Proposal of See-saw model - overcoming LQM difficulty

M. Bando, Y. Tsunoyama, K. Suzuki and H. Toki

Thyroid and lens absorbed dose assessment during different interventional and surgical procedures: a multicentre study

L. Fedeli, L.N. Mazzoni, M. Betti, A. Vaiano, D. Fedele, V. Favuzza, S. Pini, S. Mazzocchi and L. Bernardi

Optimisation of Radiological Protection at Nuclear Power Plants and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Developing a system of protection that supports effective optimisation of exposures at low doses - the nuclear industry perspective

M. Lips

Radiation protection strategies in high-grade underground uranium mines

K.L. Toews and J.M. Takala

Learning From Experience

Future application of the ICRP system of radiological protection: views from UK professionals

P.A. Bryant, R. Coates, J.D. Harrison and J. Thurston

How do you solve a problem like conservatism?

C. Jeffries and J. Hondros

Japanese translations of ICRP Publications on contract with the Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan; activities in FY 2022

A. Hirasugi, M. Mori, Y. Moriwake, A. Takamasa and H. Toma