ICRP2021+1 | Vancouver, Canada | 6-10 November 2022

How to start a network? Experience in networking and achievements of the IRPA Young Generation Network

S. Andresz 1,2, C.M. Betosa 1,3, W.H. Haa 1,4, T. Hamidaa 1,5, B.S. Hussaina 1, 6, F. Kabrta 1, 7, O. Nusrata 1, 8, A. Michaelidesovaa 1,9, T.V. Limaa 1,10, N. Movsisyana 1,11, F. Otooa 1,12, C. Pappa 1,13, J. Piechotkaa 1,14, R. Qiua 1,15, M.S. Muñoza 1,16, A. Sakodaa 1,17, T. Konoa 1,18, V.P. Singha1,19, I. Tsorxea 1,20, H. Yoshida 21

1 The Leadership Committee of the IRPA Young Generation Network; 2 Nuclear Protection Evaluation Centre, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, Chair of the IRPA YGN; 3 Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, Quezon City, Philippines; 4 Laboratory of Health Physics, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences, Seoul, Korea; 5 National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Sidi Thabet-Ariana, Tunisia; 6 Nigerian Army Medical Corps, Nigeria; 7 Division for Radiation Protection, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Vienna, Austria, Treasurer of the IRPA YGN; 8 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada; 9 Faculty of Nuclear Physics and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic; 10 Institute of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Cantonal Hospital of Lucerne (LUKS) and Department of Health Sciences and Medicine, University of Lucerne, Lucerne, Switzerland; 11 Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies, Yerevan, Armenia; 12 Radiation Protection Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Legon-Accra, Ghana; 13 National Commission of Atomic Energy, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 14 BundeswehrZentralkrankenhaus Koblenz, Germany; 15 Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; 16 Laboratorio de Radiactividad Ambiental, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain; 17 Ningyo-toge Environmental Engineering Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Okayama, Japan, Secretary of the IRPA YGN; 18 Safety Administration Department, Fukushima Research Institute, Sector of Fukushima Research and Development, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan; 19 Nuclear and Radiological Engineering, Karnatak University, Dharwad, India; 20 Duke University Medical Center, Durham, USA; 21 Cyclotron Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University, Japan


Andresz, S., Betosa, C.M., Haa, W.H., et al., 2023. How to start a network? Experience in networking and achievements of the IRPA Young Generation Network. Ann. ICRP 52(1-2) Annex, 38-45.



Since its establishment in 2018, the IRPA Young Generation Network (YGN) has created several dynamics under the framework of its Strategic Agenda to promote the representation of the young generation, professional development, experience transfer, relationship and communication of students, young professionals and scientists in radiation protection and its allied fields. This article first reports on the activities performed from 2018 until today, with highlights on some important events, collaborations and publications. The IRPA YGN have made these achievements with the essential support of its Leadership Committee, the various national Young Generation Networks, and the IRPA organization and its Associate Societies. Then, the insights and experiences obtained from these activities are discussed and used to inform how the IRPA YGN aims to achieve its on-going activities and continue to follow the ways paved in the Strategic Agenda 2022–2024. It is expected that the identification of the backbone elements supporting a young generation network and also the very specific challenges can be useful for the future management of the IRPA YGN and existing national YGN and inspire the creation of other young generation networks.