ICRP2021+1 | Vancouver, Canada | 6-10 November 2022

Thyroid and lens absorbed dose assessment during different interventional and surgical procedures: a multicentre study

L. Fedeli 1, L.N. Mazzoni 1, M. Betti 1, A. Vaiano 1, D. Fedele 1, V. Favuzza 2,3, S. Pini 2,3, S. Mazzocchi 2,3, L. Bernardi 2,3

1 SOC Fisica Sanitaria Prato-Pistoia, AUSL Toscana Centro, S. Stefano and S. Jacopo Hospital, via Suor Nicolina Infermiera 20/22 Prato, via Ciliegiole 98, Pistoia, IT; 2 SOC Fisica Sanitaria Firenze-Empoli, AUSL Toscana Centro, S. Maria Annunziata Hospital, via dell’Antella 58, Florence, and S.Giusppe Hospital, via G. Boccaccio16/20, Empoli, IT; 3 S.Giusppe Hospital, via G. Boccaccio16/20, Empoli, IT


Fedeli, L., Mazzoni, L.N., Betti, M., et al., 2023. Thyroid and lens absorbed dose assessment during different interventional and surgical procedures: a multicentre study. Ann. ICRP 52(1-2) Annex, 283-287.



A priori estimation of staff exposure during medical interventional procedures involving the use of ionising radiation is essential to carry out an adequate risk assessment and, therefore, to define the maximum workloads, to choose appropriate dosimeters and additional shielding. To date, research activity has been mainly focused on cardiac procedures, which involve high dose rates, and much attention is paid to the optimisation of radiation protection in this field. The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the dose exposure of different healthcare professionals starting from the Dose Area Products (DAPs) recorded after various interventional (non-cardiac) and surgical procedures. A total of 374 operators, 2829 interventional procedures and 4463 surgical procedures were considered. Estimated thyroid/lens absorbed dose (median-75%) for surgeons/interventionists were as follows (µSv/procedure). Interventional procedures: endoscopy (107–121)/(85–97) and urology (60–130)/(48–104); surgeries: vascular (68–73)/(55–60), general (28–35)/(22–28), orthopaedic (6–9)/(5–7). After grouping the data of all the procedures, the same estimations are reported for anesthesiologists (15–29)/(13–25), nurses (13–24)/(11–20) and radiographers (15–32)/(12–26).